Posts Tagged ‘Archery Tag’

Canada AM: Indoor Activities to try out on Family Day or March Break

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Archery Tag

Location: Canada AM staff visited Archers Arena in Toronto. There are various other archery tag facilities in many cities across Canada.

What they have to offer: If you’re a fan of “The Hunger Games” and have been dying to try out some moves like Katniss Everdeen, this might be the place for you. They have a shooting range where you can learn how to use a bow and arrow, before you move on to some combat archery.

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In combat archery, dodgeball rules apply, but instead of a ball, you had a bow and arrow. Don’t worry, the arrows have foam tips.

Age ranges: Archers Arena accepts children as young as 10 for private games.

How the Canada AM team enjoyed it: Everyone on the AM team enjoyed target practice and learning how to properly use a bow and arrow. Combat archery was an interesting experience, as most of us had never tried it before. There were some talented archers amongst our staff, as well as a few who felt very intimidated!

Watch the whole thing HERE!